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Business Meeting


Sales & Marketing


Sales and Marketing very much involves clarity and consistency of focus, with an astute awareness and adaptability of supply and service; whilst maintaining the fundamentals of who you are. 


Our consultants will coach and support you and your team(s) starting with “The Why(s)”, that leads to “The How(s)”, “The When(s)” and the “The Where(s)” that will increase activity, growth and results.


EPICA helps companies optimize their marketing and sales strategy to drive profitable growth. This is done by bringing together insights from your customers, markets, business environments and internal organization. We then consider the economic implications of these insights to make tailored solution(s) for your organization. From there, we work side by side with leadership to effect necessary change(s) in the organization’s practices and processes. The result is simple, your organization experiences greater successes, with increased valued commercial stratagems that is unique to your business — right down to individual products, programs and customer segments.


Our marketing and sales capabilities span the entire commercial journey. They Are:


  • Brand strategy

  • Loyalty & customer experience

  • New product and service development

  • Pricing strategy

  • Channel strategy

  • Marketing strategy

  • Go-to-market and commercial organization

  • Customer targeting and value proposition

  • Sales force effectiveness


Loyalty & customer experience


Increase customer traction by providing the seamless experience they want. This involves grasping customer needs across your portfolio of brands, products and channels; and through this, defining the important characteristics of customer experience. In return, see higher profitability and increased loyalty by focusing on strategies to address pain points and create customer advocacy. You will also improve your ability to serve targeted customer segments and develop differentiated customer experiences with high return on investment.


New product and service development

Bring a customer focus to developing new products and services. Assume a customer-centric lens as we develop new offerings. A key part of this is developing an understanding of customer needs — both met and unmet — from your own product offerings plus those of your competitors in order to identify new opportunities.

You will increase revenues and reduce the risk of failed product launches. You will also surface untapped product and service opportunities, and improve efficiency and speed to market, all via our customer-centric approach to innovation.


Pricing strategy


Maximize overall profit while increasing margins and/or market share. Getting pricing right is one of the most critical commercial decisions for any business. We will coach and support your organization to better understand you are in more control of your destiny than you might believe. Our consultants will help lead you to significant increases in top-line results; and the bottom-line for even greater business significance. Our approach allows you to develop the optimal pricing framework and sales incentives and to see ongoing benefits from an analytical pricing framework informed by customers, market conditions and the competitive environment.


Channel strategy


Make the most of your channels to market by being in the right places in the optimal way. A flexible and adept strategy is essential to winning in a rapidly evolving, digitizing channel landscape. We can help you develop this optimal strategy through an understanding of the customers’ journey and their likes and dislikes, combined with channel requirements, incentivization levers and cost to serve. The outcomes will include greater reach, strategic differentiation between channels and outsized share in growing channels; all translating to more revenue and profit.


Marketing strategy


Speak to the right customers in the right way at the right time. The marketing landscape is changing more rapidly than at any time in history, with digital, social and mobile technologies making traditional models of engagement obsolete. Together we will develop marketing strategies that will direct your resources more effectively; and combined with our commercial expertise and analytics, we will develop a clear, efficient and effective strategy that gets your message in front of the right audiences at the right time. You will accelerate sales and strengthen your market positioning, regardless of what social, technological and economical influences are introduced.


Go-to-market and Commercial Organization


EPICA consultants will help you define the optimal go-to-market strategy and commercial organization, that will deliver against revenue growth or profit improvement objectives. In both developing and mature markets, companies need to make complex choices around their go-to-market strategies, considering both direct and indirect models. In developing markets, the relevant channel infrastructure may not be available, and a business may need to invest independently or in partnerships to build new routes to market. In mature markets, the distribution landscape may be evolving or consolidating. A business needs to carefully select the go-to-market and commercial models that would effectively and efficiently get its products or services to the customers, while allowing the business to capture the maximum value across the distribution chain.


Customer targeting and value proposition


We will help your organization identify the highest-priority customer areas to target and define value propositions tailored to the needs of those segments. Many companies struggle with how best to understand, segment and prioritize customers; and how to optimize the economics, from both a provider and a customer perspective. We will assist in developing an clear, effective and reproducible approach for allocating resources and investment, which you will quickly see the benefits to your organization. We rely on external research and rigorous quantitative analysis of sales data to inform customer groupings and determine the appropriate segments to pursue with the right value proposition. Our customer targeting capability provides clients with a clear focus on the “best fit” segments where the business can drive revenue and profit growth.


Sales force effectiveness


Epica will help improve and accelerate sales performance by determining the right processes and enablers to maximize the commercial team’s effectiveness. To realize sales gains, sales and marketing processes need to align with the customer strategy and go-to-market model throughout the sales cycle. Sales enablers, such as compensation scheme for the team, key performance indicators, systems and tools, and training programs, must also be established to ensure that the sales team has the best support. We advise and support leadership teams on establishing the right infrastructure to root out sales productivity drains, align incentives and ultimately drive sales growth.




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